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  2. Release Notes
  3. Notice of ver3.9.4 release

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Notice of ver3.9.4 release

BowNow will be upgraded on January 2020, 1 (Thursday).
Below is the outline of the version upgrade.

About version upgrade contents


Added support for cross-site cookies whose specifications are changed from Google Chrome 80.
>> Click here for details

Version upgrade details

Cross-site cookie specification change in Google Chrome 80

When the same tracking code issued by BowNow was set for multiple sites, the cookie information was maintained as the same user.
However, since the release of Google Chrome80, the specifications have been changed so that when transitioning between multiple sites, access is made on each website and user information is saved.

BowNow support

As a response to the above Google Chrome 80, we have taken over the cookie information as it is when accessing across multiple websites as before.

* Cookie information can be inherited as it is even if it straddles multiple sites of both HTTP and HTTPS websites.

Details of Google Chrome 80

For more information on Google Chrome 80, please check the official Google blog.

Study session information