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  2. Regarding the abolition of the function that displays the confirmation of BowNow personal information acquisition

Regarding the abolition of the function that displays the confirmation of BowNow personal information acquisition

As of the end of December 2023,
The pop-up function "Display confirmation of acquiring personal information from BowNow" has been discontinued due to the discontinuation of the provider's service.
The BowNow feature will also be discontinued.
The current "Display confirmation of acquiring BowNow personal information" pop-up will stop displaying once the deadline has passed.

Regarding future use

We apologize for the sudden contact, but
We request that you take measures to replace the ``banner that displays confirmation of personal information acquisition'' by the deadline, based on the following two points.

Measure XNUMX: Display opt-out in privacy policy or cookie policy

If you would like to learn more about BowNow's opt-out settings,please use this form.

Setting support courseWe have also prepared separately, so if you are unsure about the settings, please join us.

Measure XNUMX: Consider a CMP tool that strictly complies with privacy laws.

Even more strict than the "banner displaying confirmation of personal information acquisition" pop-up
Please consider introducing a CMP tool that can comply with various privacy laws.

If you would like more information, please contact us.Our seminarPlease join us.

We apologize for the sudden contact, but
We will notify you again just before the service is discontinued.We would appreciate it if you would consider this within your company.

For those who cannot schedule the seminar,
Individual consultation counterPlease feel free to contact us.

Study session information