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Server connection failure

Today, from around 2020:5 on May 25, 11 (Monday), a service connection failure has occurred.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.
Thank you for your understanding.


The cause is currently being identified by the Engineering Department.

Symptoms occurring

All service stopped

■ Management screen side
I can't log in to the management screen
502 Bad Gateway is displayed
500 error is displayed

■ Public screen side
The form installed on the website is not displayed
The form is displayed as "The connection was refused at contents.bownow.jp."
500 Internal Server Error is displayed when downloading a file

Applicable time

From around 2020:5 on May 25, 10 to around 55:19 on the same day

Impact range

For all users of BowNow

We apologize for the inconvenience to all users.
Thank you for your understanding.

----------------------------------- <5/25 20:30 postscript> ------ -----------------------------

Regarding this event, although it is tentative, restoration work has been carried out.
The public side and the management screen have been restored.

However, at the moment, the data is as of May 5th (Thursday).
Data after that date has not been reflected.

* Log information after the 15th and newly registered lead information
Form information etc. are not reflected.

It is difficult to synchronize this difference at this time,
It is not implemented yet.

We apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding.

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----------------------------------- <5/26 10:00 postscript> ------ -----------------------------

■ About log information after 15th
We are currently checking if it can be restored, but it may not be possible to restore it.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

If it cannot be recovered, the following information may be damaged.
・ Setting information, account, etc. registered during that period
・ Tracking code issued during that period
-Lead information registered during that period (manual registration, registration information from form CV)
・ Forms created during that period (including creation information and form CV)
・ User action information from 14th to 25th 0 period (lead, unknown all)

■ About companies that issued accounts during the period of 15 to 25 days
Those who delivered or created an account after 15 days have the environment itself damaged and need to be reissued.
We will reissue the delivery environment in order from the separate support.
* Account information will be new.
* Since it will be reissued, it is necessary to re-register the information registered in the environment.
・ Tracking code
・ Lead information (manual registration, registration information from form CV)
・ Form (including creation information and form CV)
・ User action information from 14th to 25th 0 period (lead, unknown all)

We apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience.Thank you for your understanding.

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About consultation

In addition, this caseToIf you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us. official,
To the support windowToPlease tell us.

BowNow support window Reception hours: Weekdays from 10:12 to 13:17 / XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX
Mail: support@cloudcircus.jp
Contact us
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