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  3. Notice of ver3.5.0 release

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Notice of ver3.5.0 release

BowNow will be upgraded on January 2019, 1 (Wednesday).
Below is the outline of the version upgrade.

About version upgrade contents

new function

Original JS settings
Added setting items so that JavaScript can be written in BowNow forms and contents.


The specification has been changed so that the lead company name is displayed in the alert email of the ABM template.


Fixed a symptom that caused an error when changing the read status all at once.


Fixed an issue where incorrect content was displayed in the trace log page title when using the browser's back button in certain environments.

Version upgrade details

Original JS settings

Javascript can be set in the form

Previously, it was not possible to write JavaScript in the BowNow form or content area, but we have added setting items so that it can be written. If you want to link with EFO tools, please use it.

* There may be a problem with BowNow's behavior itself due to the newly set script.Please note that we cannot guarantee the operation or support if the scripts are batting each other.

Study session information