1. Top
  2. Functions
  3. Form / File
  4. Register the cooperation form
  5. Collaboration form sample

Collaboration form sample


  • This is a sample of the cooperation form.
    Please change your form by referring to the implementation sample below.
  • (Please note that we cannot support how to change your form.)
  • * High technical skill is required to create, so we recommend using only those who can create and edit php etc.

Collaboration form sample

As a premise of the cooperation form,
The information registered in the linkage form is created to be sent and registered to BowNow and the external system.
Please note that it was not created to modify an existing form.

This sample form is created only with BowNow and is not linked with external tools.
(Downloaded as a Zip file)

This sample form
・ Bowfree_index.php (form screen)
・ Bowfree_success.php (success transition destination)
・ Bowfree_error.php (error transition destination)
It consists of the above three php.

Confirmation point

Changed the reference to BowNow API to receive the value of the inquiry form to BowNow

Make changes to the tags for BowNow.
To change the form, click the form ID of the linked form on the management screen, and the "form installation tag" will be displayed. Please set it to the created form.


▼ Source image

Inquiry form value (each name attribute) setting and transfer destination URL setting after registration

Set the "value of the linked form" set in "Item settings" on the linked form creation screen of BowNow to the created form.


[Management screen side] Setting of transfer destination URL after registration

After registering with BowNow, set the forwarding URL for registering with the external system.
The setting location will be the link form information of "Basic information" on the link form creation screen.
* This time, since it is designed only for BowNow, the transfer destination is created in php, but if you are using an external system, please set the transfer destination URL of the external system.


Modify the program so that the values ​​(including normal and error) sent by GET from BowNow can be obtained.

After BowNow receives the information, it will reply with GET to the installation URL or the specified URL.
In case of success, only the input contents are returned in an array, and in case of error, the input contents and error contents are returned in an array.

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