1. Top
  2. Functions
  3. Corporate Management
  4. Register a company

Register a company

Registering a company allows you to manually register company information that is not registered in BowNow's database.
Company registration is one company at a time.

Basic Information

[Required]Company / organization name Required input items
Set the company / organization name.
Corporate number Corporate number registered with the National Tax Agency
[Required]Phone Required input items
Set the phone number of the company you want to register.

Please note that there are character restrictions for each item.

Company / organization name Up to 255 characters
Company / organization name (English) Up to 255 characters
Phone number / FAX number Up to 50 characters
Company / organization name Up to 255 characters
Zip Code Up to 10 characters
(Valid zip code only) 
Municipality / Address 1 / Address 2 Up to 100 characters
Website Up to 255 characters
(Enter URL starting with http, https)
domain Up to 255 characters
* If the entered domain matches the domain registered in the lead, the corresponding lead will automatically belong to it.

Acquisition of company information

You can add matching company / organization information from the company name entered in the company / organization name.
The information displayed after acquiring the company information can be edited by switching the ON / OFF button on the left side of the item and turning it ON.

▼ Behavior image

Organization information

Listing classification You can select the listing category.It is a single choice.
Capital You can select the capital category.It is a single choice.
Employees You can select the employee classification.It is a single choice.
Amount of Sales You can select the sales category.It is a single choice.

Industry classification

Industry classification You can select the industry classification.You can make multiple selections.
Industry You can select the type of business.You can make multiple selections.
If you do not select the industry classification, you cannot select the industry.

Management information

The company can set "existing" or "NG".
The set information will be displayed as existing or NG under the company name in the "Company Details" page.

▼ Image

Registration button

Registration Register the listed company information.
Continuous registration You can create company information in succession following the company information currently listed.
Cancel Cancel the registration of the listed company information.
Study session information