1. Top
  2. Functions
  3. Corporate Management
  4. Find a company
  5. Search condition

Search condition

You can measure or search the conditions of registered leads with BowNow.
In addition, search conditions can be saved.

Individual search

Company / organization name / affiliated company You can search by company / organization name / affiliated company registered in the company information.
Phone You can search by the phone number registered in the company information.
Other detailed items By default, the search window for "company / organization name" and "phone number" is displayed.
You can perform other individual searches by clicking [Other detailed items].
FAX You can search by fax number registered in the company information.

Specifying corporate actions

Period setting You can set the period during which the action of the lead belonging to the company occurred.
The period is a period earlier than the date when the management screen was viewed.
Domain to search If you have registered multiple sites, you can segment them here.


Search for actions taken by the user. It is not possible to search with 0 items.The minimum value is from 1.

AND search, OR search: You can search from AND / OR as the search method.

Site access You can search how many times a user belonging to a company has accessed the search target site.
Form submission You can search by the number of times a user belonging to a company submits to a normal form.
Membership Registration You can search by the number of times a user belonging to a company sends to the membership registration form.
Login Users who belong to the company can search by the number of times they log in again after registering in the membership registration form.
File download You can search by the number of times a user belonging to a company has downloaded a file registered in BowNow.
Open email
* In the mail delivery in the mail environment after the renewal
You can search for leads that belong to the company that opened the delivered email.
* Only when mail is delivered in the mail environment after renewal.
* Only opening by HTML mail can be measured.
Inflow from email
* In the mail delivery in the mail environment after the renewal
You can search for leads belonging to the inflowing company from the link described in the email text when delivering the email.
* Only when mail is delivered in the mail environment after renewal.
Inflow from COCOAR You can use COCOAR to search for users who belong to companies that have flowed into the site.

Please refer to the following manual for detailed information on user actions.

Browsing page address You can search for users who browse individual pages (URLs).
If you specify more than one, enter them with a line break.
Exact match search and partial match search are possible.
With partial match search, you can check all pages below the blog page, for example.
Inflow source address You can search from which page (site) the user came in.
Exact match search and partial match search are possible.
Number of page views during the period You can search for users by the total number of page views within the specified period.
Number of users matching the specified action Sets and searches the total number of users that match the specified action condition.

Specifying the final action

You can specify the last action taken by the user who belongs to the company.

Site access Access to the search target site
Form submission User submits to regular form
Membership Registration The user submits to the membership registration form
Login After the user registers in the membership registration form, log in again
File download Download the file that the user has registered with BowNow
Open email
* In the mail delivery in the mail environment after the renewal
I opened the delivered email
* Only when mail is delivered in the mail environment after renewal.
Inflow from email
* In the mail delivery in the mail environment after the renewal
Inflow from the link described in the email text when delivering the email
* Only when mail is delivered in the mail environment after renewal.
Inflow from COCOAR Inflowed to the site using COCOAR
□ More than a day has passed You can see how many days have passed since the last action occurred.
For example, if you haven't visited the website for more than 30 days after making an inquiry (submitting a form), you can be recognized as a dormant customer.

Targeting information (company information)

Search targets for leads belonging to companies registered in BowNow's "Company Management"is.Leads that do not have information in the company to which they belong will not be searched.
Search the activity status of the company analyzed from the official site etc.
* If there is no information on the website, it will not be displayed.
* Targeting information attached to the company is not updated immediately, but is updated as appropriate.
(Please note that it is possible that the exhibition information held last week will not be displayed.)
* Information may not be obtained.In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the displayed information.

Exhibit status of various exhibitions Display information about the exhibitions you are exhibiting.
Business conditions Displays the management status such as listing or establishment period.
Public relations / marketing / sales activity status Displays the activity status such as holding a seminar or broadcasting a commercial.
Recruitment and employment status Shows the employment status of new graduates, mid-career hires, or teleworking.
Business development status Displays the business development status of the company, such as whether it is opening an overseas store.
Deployment tool Displays information on the tools installed by the company.

Targeting information (products / services)

Search targets for leads belonging to companies registered in BowNow's "Company Management"is.Leads that do not have information in the company to which they belong will not be searched.
Search for fields such as company products and services analyzed from official websites.
* Information may not be obtained.In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the displayed information.

Large category: Product / service category
Small category: Products / Services

Designation of company information

Measurement start date You can set the period when company information starts to be measured.
Lead (with email address) You can search by the number of leads (with email address information) belonging to the company.
Unknown (no email address) You can search by the number of unknowns (no email address information) belonging to the company.
Listing classification You can search whether the company is listed.
Capital You can search by the amount of capital of the company.
Amount of Sales You can search by the sales of the company.
Employees You can search by the number of employees of the company.
Industry classification You can search by the type of business of the company.
Regional division You can search from the company address.You can choose from Japanese domestic notation and overseas notation.

Designation of management information

Specify the management information set for the company.

status You can select existing or NG.

Exclusion specification of management information

Excludes companies with specified criteria from the search.

Status to exclude You can select existing or NG.
Study session information