1. Top
  2. Functions
  3. Corporate Management
  4. Find a company
  5. Company details

Company details

The company details page shows detailed information about the companies to which the leads tracked in BowNow belong, or the companies that you manually registered.

Company details top

1: Measurement start date The date and time when the lead belonging to the company was tracked or the company information was manually registered is displayed.

If the company is recognized by the company IP address, the information registered in the database will be displayed.

1: Corporate information The company / organization name is displayed.
2: IP address The company IP address is displayed.
3: Website The company website address is displayed.
4: Address The company address is displayed.
5: Phone number The company phone number is displayed.
6: Status of affiliated users You can check the user information belonging to the displayed company.
Lead: A lead with email address information
UU: All users without email address information, including leads
Session: How many times a lead with email address information has visited the website / How many times all users have visited the website
7: Tag of the user The tag information possessed by the user you belong to is displayed.
8: Change Click "Change" to move to the "Change Company" page and change the company information.
10: Update date It will be updated when the company information system is updated or when a user belonging to the company accesses it.

Company details right

Users belonging to the company

You can change the display items of the users you belong to.
Name and company affiliation are required information, but it is possible to set so that other sessions, PV, CV, last action date, tags, status, groups, and persons in charge are not displayed.
1: + If you have a lead you want to belong to, you can add a user from your email address or SID.
2: Name (name is displayed) The name on which the name is displayed will be the lead information in which the e-mail address is registered.
Click to move to the lead details page.
3: Name (Unknown display) The name displayed in Unknown is the lead information for which the email address is not registered.
Click to move to the lead details page.
4: Session The number of sessions for the period from today to 30 days ago and the total number of sessions in parentheses [] are displayed.
5: PV The number of PVs for the period from today to 30 days ago and the total number of PVs in parentheses [] are displayed.
6: CV The number of CVs for the period from today to 30 days ago and the total number of CVs in parentheses [] are displayed.
7: Last action date You can check the date and time of the last action that performed the user action.
8: Tag The tag information registered in the lead to which you belong is displayed.
9: Status The status information registered for the lead to which you belong is displayed.
10: Group The group information registered for the lead to which you belong is displayed.
11: Company affiliation  The conditions when belonging to a company are displayed.
If it is grasped by the company IP address, "belong by IP address"
If the phone number registered in the company details and the lead are registered with the same phone number, "Affiliation by phone number" will be displayed.

Basic Information

The basic information shows the company information contained in BowNow's database.The same content will be displayed even if you register manually.
Please note that the basic information of the company managed in the database cannot be changed.

Targeting information

* As of November 2024, the following changes have been made.
・Service category Manufacturing/Pharmaceutical > "3D related" has been deleted.

* As of November 2024, the following changes have been made.
・"Design/Production Support" has been deleted.
・"Sales of 50 billion yen or more" and "Acupuncture and Chiropractic Clinic" have been added.
- Changed from "M&A/business succession intermediary" to "M&A support organization".

* As of November 2023, the following changes have been made.
・The following 13 new "field tags" have been added.
   1. Toiletries (daily necessities)
   3.Stationery/office supplies/toys
   4.Plant engineering
   5.Shopping center
   6.Home center
   7.Home electronics retail store
   9. Preparatory school/study school
   10.Various schools
   11.Condominium/building management

- "3D related" has been deleted from "Field tags".

・The following two new types of "activity tags" have been added.
   1.Sales of 5000 billion or more
   2.Sales of 1 trillion yen or more

・The following two changes have been made to the category name.
   1. Changed from "Education" to "Education/Other Services".
   2. Changed from "Construction, Architecture" to "Construction/Architecture/Transportation".

* As of November 2023, the following changes have been made.
・"SaaS/Cloud/ASP" has been added to the "Field tags".
・The following 3 items have been deleted from "Activity Tags".
 1. "Invoice Eligible Business"
 2. "Companies recruiting new graduates in 2022"
 3. "Companies Recruiting New Graduate Interns in 2023"

* As of November 2023, the following changes have been made.
・The katakana characters in some tags have been changed to half-width notation.
・The following three types of “activity tags” have been newly added.
 1. "Contractors subject to the Energy Conservation Law"
 2. “Electricity and gas retailers”
 3. "Companies recruiting new graduates in 2024"
 4. "Companies Recruiting New Graduate Interns in 2025"

* As of November 2023, the following changes have been made.
・The following three types of “activity tags” have been newly added.
 1. "Over 500 employees"
 2. "Over 1,000 billion sales"
 3. “Within 2 years of establishment”

* As of November 2023, the following changes have been made.
・"Invoice Eligible Business Operator" has been added.
・The following 2 new “change tags” such as companies that have done ○○ within the last two months have been added.
 1. "New product release company (last XNUMX months)"
 2. "New product release company (last XNUMX months)"
 3. "Companies holding seminars (last two months)"
 4. "Exhibition as a whole (last two months)"
 5. "Merged company (last two months)"
 6. “Companies opening new bases/stores (last two months)”
 7. “Mid-career hiring companies (last two months)”
 8. “Companies hiring year-round (last two months)”
 9. Recruitment of engineers (last XNUMX months)
 10. "Companies Recruiting for Sales Positions (Last XNUMX Months)"

* As of November 2022, the following changes have been made.
・The katakana characters in some tags have been changed to half-width notation.
・"ISMS Certified Company" and "Privacy Mark Acquired Company" have been added.
・“Attorneys/law firms” have been separated/added from “tax accountants/certified public accountants”.

Targeting information shows the information contained in BowNow's database.
Please note that the targeting information of the companies managed in the database cannot be changed.

Organization information / industry classification

In the organization information / industry classification, the organization information / industry classification contained in the BowNow database is displayed.The same content will be displayed even if you register manually.
Please note that the organizational information and industry classification of companies managed in the database cannot be changed.

Study session information