1. Top
  2. BowNow3.0 release information
  3. Warnings


About precautions

The specifications of the following two points have been significantly changed from the conventional ones.
Please check the contents when using the latest version.

Unified PW of login authentication form

According to the conventional specifications, for users who use multiple forms,It was inconvenient because it was necessary to manage several PWs according to the number of registered forms.

After this version upgrade, we have improved the specifications so that you can use the PW issued for the first time even if you register for multiple authentication forms.


  • Even for users who are already using multiple authentication forms, the specifications will be applied now after the release.
    Regarding the unified PW, other forms will be unified to the PW used when logging in for the first time after the release (February 2th) instead of issuing a new one.For users who have managed multiple PWs in the past, please be aware that the specifications may cause confusion when logging in.
  • * If you cannot log in and use PW Reminder, the unified PW will be updated.
  • * Login PW will be different for each user.

Changed the site reflection code when pasting the form

Changed the site reflection code when pasting the form

Previously, the iframe tag was implemented in the site reflection code, but for forms newly created after ver3.0, it will be the call code by javascript.

For users of CMS Blue Monkey, please note that it is necessary to insert with a script tag instead of inserting with the conventional free block.

Study session information