1. Top
  2. BowNow implementation guide
  3. Create a form
  4. Member registration form operation demo

Member registration form operation demo

Member registration form behavior sample page

After registration, the lead may be deleted without permission and the membership registration may be removed.
* You may not be able to log in the next time you log in.
Please forgive us for the convenience of our lead management.

This time, it is summarized on one page for the sample.

To download the following, you need to register from the membership registration form.
* This is for checking the behavior of the membership registration form.
The image file will be downloaded.

* The URL set below is the URL for which the file was registered on the BowNow management screen.
"Membership registration required for download" is performed.

Member registration sample download

Click below for new registration.

Make a new registration

sign up


Study session information